Talbot to francuska firma, która rozpoczynała działalność na początku XIX wieku jako importer francuskich samochodów do Wielkiej Brytanii i jeszcze przed I wojną światową przekształciła się w producenta samochodów. W 1913 roku jeden z modeli Talbot stał się pierwszym autem, które dystans 161 kilometrów pokonało w godzinę. Już po wielkim kryzysie, w 1932 roku, firmę przejął biznesmen Antonio Lago, zmieniając jej nazwę na Talbot Lago. Talbot-Lago T150-C SS Figoni et Falaschi posiada jedno z najpiękniejszych i najbardziej przyciągających uwagę nadwozi wszech czasów. Jego sześciocylindrowy silnik skonfigurowany jest ówczesne jednostki wyścigowe, ma półkulistą komorę spalania, wysoką kompresję, potrójne gaźniki i miskę olejową o dużej pojemności. Egzemplarz oferowany na aukcji to jeden z dwóch SWB (short wheelbase, czyli o krótszym podwoziu) zbudowanych przez słynną firmę karoseryjną Figoni et Falaschi. Ten okaz w latach wojny został ukryty, pomimo to został uszkodzony i jego ówczesny właściciel zlecił wykonanie nowego nadwozia w wersji kabriolet. Jednak co ważne oryginalne podwozie, silnik i układ napędowy zostały zachowane. Samochód posiadał przez 71 lat swojego istnienia zaledwie trzech właścicieli, a w 2000 roku przywrócony został do pierwotnej konfiguracji ze słynnym nadwoziem według wzoru Figoni et Falaschi. To prawdziwe dzieło sztuki sprzedane zostało za 3,36 miliona euro, co daje w przeliczeniu około 14 milionów złotych.
Link: http://www.rmsothebys.com/ve17/villa-erba/lots/1937-talbot-lago-t150-c-ss-goutte-deau-coupe-by-figoni-et-falaschi/1701950
27 May 2017
Lot 151
1937 Talbot-Lago T150-C SS 'Goutte d’Eau’ Coupé by Figoni et Falaschi
Chassis no. 90110
€3.200.000 – €3.800.000
Sold for 3,360,000
To be auctioned on Saturday, May 27, 2017
Please note that Internet bidding is not available for this lot. Interested parties that are unable to attend the sale may register to bid by telephone or place a commission bid online at rmsothebys.com.
An authentic example of the famed Talbot-Lago ‘teardrop’ coupé
Rare SWB lightweight T150-C SS sports-racing chassis; original chassis, engine, and drivetrain
Restored to its original teardrop design first fitted to this chassis
One of two examples with fully enclosed front fenders
An iconic Figoni et Falaschi design, coveted the world over for its outstanding beauty
Among the most desirable coachbuilt sporting automobiles of its era
Chassis number 90110, offered here, is one of only two examples of the fabulous ‘Goutte d’Eau’ built by Figoni et Falaschi with fully enclosed front fenders—a feature more often seen on the company’s Delahaye designs of this period. The finished car left Talbot on 25 November 1937 carrying body number 677 and was identical to the body mounted earlier that year on chassis number 90107, the famous and widely photographed Goutte d’Eau that belonged to Princess Stella of Karputhala.
Like so many other exceptional cars, chassis number 90110 was hidden during the war years, although it is likely that it was damaged during the hostilities. On 25 June 1946, the car was registered in the books of the famous coachbuilder Hermann Graber in Wichtrach, Switzerland. At that time, the owner, Mr H. Frey from Wengen, commissioned a new convertible body for the chassis in the post-war idiom, a procedure that was common at the time. Graber’s design drawings for this cabriolet are dated 11 May 1946. Importantly, the original chassis, engine, and drivetrain were retained.
Mr Frey enjoyed his car for the next 20 years before it was acquired by Mr G. Frey of Zürich on 4 April 1966. Twenty-one years later, Mr G. Frey sold the car to the current owner on 29 January 1987. The car has therefore only had three owners for the past 71 years. In 2000, the owner decided to bring the car back to its first Figoni et Falaschi configuration. Auto Classique Touraine in Tours, France, was commissioned for the work. Managed by Patrick Delâge, grandson of Louis Delâge, Auto Classique Touraine is famous for its meticulous construction techniques, always seeking the highest level of originality and authenticity. The company was an ideal choice as it had already crafted a perfect re-creation of a Goutte d’Eau body for another T150-C SS. It took close to three years to complete this outstanding re-creation of the original fully enclosed teardrop coachwork. The progression of the work to a wholly authentic and correct standard is fully documented by a movie that was made over the course of the restoration. Furthermore, the paintwork has been recently treated by Agerra Detailing SA in Switzerland to display a better than new look.
The Goutte d’Eau, or teardrop, is justly regarded as one of the most beautiful and enticing designs of all time. It is a shape that elevates form to the realm of art and a reference point for iconic beauty against which all other late-1930s automobiles are measured. Aficionados and amateurs alike are stopped in their tracks at concours when confronted with the serene perfection of its lines. Coupled with what the French call belle mécanique, nimble road manners, and superior acceleration for its time, courtesy of the T150-C SS chassis and drivetrain, it is a very exciting package that speaks directly to any serious automotive enthusiast.
The first authentic ‘teardrop’ to be offered in recent years, chassis number 90110 is a rare opportunity to acquire a great car that will be the absolute focal point of any collection, event, or concours where it is presented.