Subaru Impreza S5 WRC 1998 – UK

Subaru Imprezy nie trzeba już nikomu przedstawiać. Egzemplarz wystawiony na aukcji to P2 WRC, którego fascynujące życie rozpoczęło się podczas Rajdu Monte Carlo w 1997 roku. Prowadził je wtedy nie kto inny, jak rajdowa legenda, Colin McRae. Niestety Colin miał wypadek podczas imprezy, skutkujący wycofaniem się z rajdu. Samochód otrzymał w Prodrive nowe nadwozie i został ponownie przygotowany do startów. Subaru w rękach prywatnych zespołów odniosło szereg zwycięstw, w tym mistrzostwo Węgier w 1998 i 1999 roku. Następnie wraz z Markiem Slaterem i Stevenem Fleckiem w latach 2001 i 2002 Subaru zaliczało kolejne kilka wydarzeń, a w 2003 roku zagościło na zawodach z Noelem Redmondem. Obecny właściciel samochodu kupił P2 WRC w 2004 roku. Używając je zgodnie z przeznaczeniem, brał udział w wielu rajdach w latach 2005, 2006 i 2007, osiągając wciąż doskonałe wyniki. W 2015 roku Subaru przeszło na emeryturę. Od tamtej pory było sporadycznie użytkowane przez syna właściciela. Jego ostatni publiczny występ miał miejsce na Race Retro w 2020 roku. Sprzedawca informuje, że eksperci marki, firma Autosportif, przebudowali silnik i skrzynię biegów zaledwie kilkaset mil temu. Samochód został profesjonalnie przerobiony na kierownicę po prawej stronie przez Stana Harpera, aby lepiej radził sobie na irlandzkich odcinkach. Subaru wycenione na 340 – 380 tysięcy funtów szterlingów otrzymało po aukcji cenę „kup teraz” w wysokości 379,5 tysiąca funtów.


LIVE AUCTION: Friday 24th February | 2.00pm GMT

Buy it now for £379,500 – contact

Lot Number: 338

1998 Subaru Impreza S5 WRC – 'P2 WRC’
P2 WRC has led a fascinating and illustrious life, which started out at the 1997 Rally Monte Carlo driven by none other than the late Colin McRae.

GUIDE PRICE: £340,000 – £380,000
+ buyers premium of 12.5% plus VAT (15% incl VAT) on the first £300,000 of the hammer and 10% plus VAT (12% incl VAT) thereafter

P2 WRC has led a fascinating and illustrious life, which started out at the 1997 Rally Monte Carlo driven by none other than the late Colin McRae.

P2 WRC represents a fascinating piece of rallying history and we’re honoured here at Silverstone Auctions to be asked to offer it to the open market. The registration number P2 WRC was originally mounted to Chassis 3 and started life as a works Subaru entry in the 1997 Monte Carlo Rally to be driven by the late, great Colin McRae alongside his co-driver Nicky Grist. Sadly, Colin had an accident on the event resulting in a DNF. P2 WRC was then mated to Prodrive Chassis #21 (registered 1st January 1998) and was subsequently privately campaigned in Europe during the 1998 to 2000 seasons with a number of wins including the Hungarian Championship in 1998 and 1999.

Ownership then moved from continental Europe to the UK with Mark Slater and Steven Fleck during 2001 and 2002 for a few events prior to seeing competition in 2003 with Noel Redmond. The car’s current owner bought P2 WRC in 2004 and has owned it ever since, using it as intended competing in a number of rallies during 2005, 2006 and 2007 with some excellent results against newer machinery. It enjoyed a quieter life, safely stored, after that until 2015 when the decision was made to bring it out of retirement and use it for shows and events with the owner’s son doing most of the driving. Highlights of more recent outings include a first overall at the 2016 and 2017 Wethersfield stages rally and its most recent public appearance was at Race Retro in 2020. Full details of the illustrious career of P2 WRC can be found

Our vendor informs us that marque experts, Autosportif, rebuilt the engine and gearbox only a few hundred miles ago. The car was professionally converted to right-hand drive by Stan Harper in order to better handle the Irish stages prior to our vendor’s long-term ownership. For the past seven years, the car has been prepared by Edward at EJM Preparations. We’re informed that it could be converted back to left-hand drive should the new owner wish to. P2 WRC is a well known car having been featured in many videos and press activities and a quick visit to YouTube will show some incredible footage of this famous car.

P2 WRC is a real car. It’s been used as originally intended and some of the results achieved in recent years against modern machinery really show how well ahead of the times these special cars really were. This also represents a rare opportunity to either leave the car as it is and carry on using it on events and shows, or, with a little time and effort, convert it back to its original specification as a showpiece of a significant period in motorsport, having been originally driven by one of the most respected drivers in motorsport.

Despite its not-so successful start in WRC, many in the motorsport community still see the 2-door Subaru as one of WRC’s all-time legends as, after all, it was piloted by some of the best crews on the planet at the time whilst being managed by one of the best motorsport outfits of all time.

In conclusion, P2 WRC is a well-known two-door Subaru WRC car and very desirable in its own right. It has certainly lived a busy and fascinating life and in our opinion is all the better for it. It’s been well cared-for in private ownership for almost 20 years and combined with its links to the great Colin McRae, this really is a very rare opportunity to continue the fascinating story of P2 WRC.

Lot Number: 338
Registration Number: P2 WRC
Chassis Number: PR0GC898021
Transmission: Manual